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Art and Technology Residency: Benny Bowls

Digital artist Benny Bowls is one of three residents on The Margate School's Art and Technology Residency. Benny specialises in mixed media installations, sound design and 3D animation. He is interested in realtime rendering, node based programming and structural design. He has a fascination for fantasy and mixed reality storytelling.

During his residency he would like to tell a dramatic love story between society, nature and technology. Using this residency as a platform to learn new skills in node based 3d animation that are influenced by the surrounding area of Margate.

On the weekend of 12th and 13th March, the three artists-in-residence will run workshops at Artech Festival in the run up to their group exhibition, The Artech Show. Benny will be running:

Intro to Blender basics

Learn basics of 3d modeling, texturing and animation. We will build an object from our surroundings. We will texture using pictures we take on phones. We will then animate and render out a loop, this loop could be used in projection mapping workshop. Bring laptop with Blender 3.0 if possible.

Intro to projection and LED control using Madmapper

Mapping objects with generated content/custom animation made in Blender. Controlling LED’s and appliences with animation. Bring (optional):

  • Laptop with HDMI or adapter input.

  • USB stick

  • Mouse with a middle scroll wheel - there are a limited number available.

  • Midi controllers

  • Animation or film you want to projection map.

Tickets are £25 for the day or £40 for the weekend. See the full line up of workshops available and get your ticket here.

The artists-in-residence group exhibition: The Artech Show, will open 18th—21st March with a private view on Friday 18th, 6—9pm, everyone is invited!

Memories by Benny Bowls

A multi media installation.

Image taken from FabLunch project share.

Find Benny here:


Instagram: @bennybowls

L.E.G Collective:


All images c/o Benny Bowls.

Learning and providing an open and transparent platform for learning is at the heart of the School’s endeavour. A discipline, including but not exclusively art, is a vehicle for learning. The opportunity to cross, alter, merge and indeed play with disciplines will help in the accessibility of learning opportunities, innovation and the development of what might be called a learning community eager to nurture a creative ecology culture.



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The Margate School

31 - 33 High Street



Registered office

17 Roxburgh Road,

Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, CT8 8RX 

© The Margate School Ltd.

A not-for-profit company 

Registered number 09629126


01843 838421​

The Margate School CIO 

A charity registered with Charity Commission 

Charity Number 1203446

The Margate School's key partners are renowned French art school, Esä, l’École Supérieure d’Art Dunkerque-Tourcoing. It is a member of CHEAD,  associate member of ELIA. It is also a RSA South East Fellowship Co-working Hub.

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