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Philippa Beale

Political artist and founding member of the Arborealist
Movement (Margate and France)

Political artist and founding member of the Arborealist Movement, Philippa worked in HE for more than 30 years and has a considerable reputation as an international visual arts curator. As Director of Studies at UAL, Central Saint Martins she designed the form and content of new courses and integrated them as services for local communities, creative businesses and artists attempting to work within the broader creative industries. Philippa was the second woman President of The London Group of visual artists and has worked as an external examiner for The Margate School’s European Fine Art Masters Course.

Philippa Beale
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The Margate School

31 - 33 High Street



Registered office

17 Roxburgh Road,

Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, CT8 8RX 

© The Margate School Ltd.

A not-for-profit company 

Registered number 09629126


01843 838421

The Margate School CIO 

A charity registered with Charity Commission 

Charity Number 1203446

The Margate School's key partners are renowned French art school, Esä, l’École Supérieure d’Art Dunkerque-Tourcoing. It is a member of CHEAD,  associate member of ELIA. It is also a RSA South East Fellowship Co-working Hub.

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