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Applications for Art, Society, Nature open Nov 29

Applications for our European Fine Art Masters open this Monday, 29th Novemember.

Art, Society, Nature is the first of its kind in the UK, aiming to provide an alternative approach to higher education. This masters programme will encourage you to think about your practice outside of yourself, by exploring how your art can be used to benefit, protect and sustain the world around you.

At The Margate School we aim to extend that learning potential, we seek to do this in the expanded field, through art practice, philosophical reflection, scientific exploration, technological enquiry, engagement in today’s environmental challenges and sociological investigations.

"The Margate School MA in Fine Art is an extraordinary journey, one which visits art history, philosophy, movement, performance and french language and culture, alongside experimenting in specific artistic disciplines. For me the journey has become a type of personal exploration, bravely forgetting all you know, to go on a creative journey and to come home to yourself."

— Hayley White, Alumni

Learn more about Art, Society, Nature here


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