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In review: Matthew Burrows CBE

Alt Power 100 @artlyst 2021, honoured the artists and personalities behind the scenes of curating, organising, and helping to enrich communities.

Matthew Burrows CBE, an artist living and working in the UK founded #artistsupportpledge in March 2020. A simple hashtag# helped artists raise over £30m during lockdown.

@artistsupportpledge is a culture and economy in support of artists and makers established and led by artist Matthew Burrows in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is now a global movement of connected communities committed to an equitable and sustainable economy for artist and makers of all countries, media and ethnicities.

Artist Support Pledge works by example, showing how a generous culture behaves and exploring the values that maintain its ethos. At the core of this is a commitment to equality of opportunity for all and an accessible platform to participate.

“Our artistic values must implicitly embed our environmental ideals. It is not enough to speak of change, art must furnish and colour our imaginations with the means to make change possible.” — @matthewburrowsstudio

Read more about Matthew Burrows and the Artist Support Pledge movement:

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The Margate School

31 - 33 High Street



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17 Roxburgh Road,

Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, CT8 8RX 

© The Margate School Ltd.

A not-for-profit company 

Registered number 09629126


01843 838421

The Margate School CIO 

A charity registered with Charity Commission 

Charity Number 1203446

The Margate School's key partners are renowned French art school, Esä, l’École Supérieure d’Art Dunkerque-Tourcoing. It is a member of CHEAD,  associate member of ELIA. It is also a RSA South East Fellowship Co-working Hub.

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